Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Today I met a friend.

My name is Good. I am a dog. I could not find myself. I searched and searched everywhere, for the True Master. A Master that will just love me the way I am. I‘m a rather shaky person, you see.
My previous Master did not love me.
I could feel it in all over my body, this hate. It would stop me from breathing. I would shake uncontrollably. Because I KNEW it was coming. He was never going to leave me alone. NEVER. 
NOTHING was going to change it.

So I had to leave him. I am a free Dog. 

Now that I am over the fence I can see the grass is so much greener.


  1. šaunuolė Jūs. labai kilmingai su šuneliu pasielgėt. bravo bravo. koks performansas. visas Kaunas ir Vilnius ant ausų stovėjo. bravo.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Aš tavęs labai pasiilgsiu...

  4. Galvojat jau praeityje nuskriaustam šuniui reikia dar kartą būti nuskriaustam?
    Laisvė, ypač gyvūnams, dažniausiai nėra geriausias pasirinkimas.

  5. Ji jau nieko nebegalvoja. Jos jau nebėra...

  6. Gyvenimas sumautas.

  7. So sad when people leave this world too early. Too early and too young. So strange this blog still exists when the author is gone forever. May you rest in peace, dear soul...
