Sunday, 13 February 2011

Let's conquer the World.

Those, who do not love, are cowards.
What could be more horrifying and brave, than taking your heart, ripping it out of your chest and handing it over to someone else?
Not being afraid, shouting your love so everyone can hear?
When you feel like not being with that person might actually hurt?

Let's conquer the World.

Saturday, 5 February 2011


Once in a while, you randomly meet a person. It could be anywhere. Work, University, a club, the Internet. And then, slowly, you start to get to know each other. You find out you like the same things. Then, that you have the same odd habits.
You start thinking about that person more often. You talk to them more.
Then one day, you realize you cannot spend a day without thinking about them.

And then, they're not strangers anymore.